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Gyrotonic classes are adapted to each student’s, either in private lessons, or in groups of maximum three students. Even the group classes are semi-private with a great deal of attention and correction from highly trained teachers which promotes both learning and progress. 


Gyrotonic Initiation  


We highly recommend a series of 6 private lessons as an initiation series to the technique, to learn the foundations of the technique and to work on any specific problems the student may have. The initiation class can also be given as a duo (with the same two students). 

Gyrotonic Beginner’s group class


This class is aimed at students who have completed the initiation phase and who are able to join a group class according to their level. We will revisit the foundations of the technique and begin to slowly go through the basis of the Level 1 program in depth. This is a highly important part of the learning program and we even recommend advanced students regularly return to this phase.

Gyrotonic Intermediary Class 


A group class for students with solid basis. We will rework the Level 1 program in a more dynamic, rhythm and fluid series. Small accessible sequences from Level 2 may be introduced in this series.


Gyrotonic Advanced class  


Group classes for students with a strong practice or for professionals. We will go over demanding sequences that call for solid connections and good body awareness.

Gyrotonic Musical class  


A group class that is a transition series between Level 1 and 2. A choreographed sequence will be taught and applied to music that is especially designed to accompany the series. This is a fun and stimulating program, with a higher cardio element, that also allows students to let go and move into the music.  A good basis in the Gyrotonic® technique is required.

Gyrotonic Level 1 classes  


The purpose of this is to go through Level 1 in detail, learning and perfecting the sequences and also going over the sequences we more rarely use in group classes.

Gyrotonic Level  2 classes


Both level two programs will be gone over and looked into in depth. Sometimes we will offer a two hours workshop to be able to go over a fuller program.

Gyrotonic  Application for Dancers

A return to the origins – the preparation and accompaniment for dancers. A series of choreographed and fluid sequences specifically created for dancers, that include standing postures, work on balance, support, strengthening and flexibility will be combined with in depth sequences for muscular and articular reparation. A highly demanding program that can be used by dancers all throughout their career.

Gyrotonic Therapeutic applications​


A sequence specifically designed for problems related to the pelvic girdle, spine and shoulder girdle with a special program for people suffering from scoliosis. A homework sequence will be given to students to continue working at home. This series can be used by students with real pathologies or even students with no particular problems to improve their posture and deep connections and body awareness.

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